Operation: Secret Shopper

There I was, mid-afternoon at my local library branch, my study camp set up at a table, nearing the end of a study marathon I had been putting off all week. With one assignment left, this very one I'm typing now, I was looking forward to a fun, light-hearted read to break up the drone of scholarly literature on my docket for the foreseeable future. So I sought out my target and approached the adult reference desk.

As I was approaching the desk, the librarian smiled and greeted me. I asked if I could bother her for a book recommendation and she cheerfully replied, "of course!" and asked what I was looking for. I asked for a romance, something fun and light-hearted. She then asked if I'd like something realistic or if I'm open to fantasy. I told her I wanted to stick with something realistic and romcom-y. From there, she got excited and diverged a bit, asking if I'd be interested in something still light-hearted but not a romance, with a cast of southern ladies getting up to wild hijinks like throwing massive slugs over fences. I was really up for anything so said "Sure!" and followed her through the stacks to pick up Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman. On the way back to the desk, she also pointed me to a display with a bunch of romance novels of varying sub-genres, letting me know that if I'd like a second option, I'm sure to find something there (I did peruse a bit and picked up Drop Dead Gorgeous by Rachel Gibson).

Overall I'd rate this interaction a solid 3/5 stars. The librarian was friendly and eager to help, finding me a book she thought I'd enjoy and guiding me to others, but she did diverge from the genre I was after and recommended a book she liked rather than use RA resources to find something along the lines I was asking for.


  1. It's always nice to hear that a reference inquiry is met with a welcoming reply and happy countenance; personally, it immediately makes me feel a little less "guilty" for feeling like I'm interrupting a librarian's work flow and better able to ask questions.

    It seems like the librarian had suggestions ready at hand, since they took you straight to the shelves for the first recommended title. Other than asking about what type of romance you would prefer, did they actively use any RA resources during your visit, or was it strictly from their own knowledge?

    I like that they did bring your attention to a specific library display, but it sounds as if it was a second thought, after providing you with the title that they preferred; do you feel like that was the case?

    1. Hi Maryanne,
      I always feel like I'm interrupting too, but whenever someone asks me questions like this at work I love it, so I try to keep that in mind when I'm the asker :)
      The recommendations she gave me were just from her own head, she didn't use any resources, and it did feel like the display was a second thought. If that display hadn't been there I probably wouldn't have been guided to a romance book I was asking for!

    2. You wrote this so well and the "cast of southern ladies getting up to wild hijinks like throwing massive slugs over fences" immediately made me want to add this book to my TBR! 😂 It was nice to read this interaction from your point of view because it makes me wonder if I've ever given a recommendation that someone wasn't really looking for just because I liked the book. I will have to keep this in mind whenever I am giving recommendations to patrons.

  2. Hello Abigail!

    It sounds like the interaction was pleasant, if not a bit disappointing. I found it peculiar that she did not offer up other options (other than the display). I always try to suggest at least two or three choices for the patron, unless they insist that the first choice is the absolute best pick for them. Also, I am curious if she suggested certain books on the display or just pointed you in that general direction. Considering you had fairly specific parameters for your preferred read, I wonder why she did not pull specific books off the display that pertained to your exact interests. This is particularly confusing, given that your parameters are certainly not a tall order. There's tons of realistic, lighthearted rom-com reads out there! I will play a bit of devil's advocate here and say that I would have found it refreshing that she would ask if I was willing to try something else that may be of interest to me, but I admit I would not do that in my own RA interviews. I find that many readers who request RA know exactly what they are looking for, they just need your help to find it.

  3. I love that she took you with her to find the book since it helps you remember where to find the section at a later date! Whether that is because you want another of the author's books, the same book (some books have to be read twice), or maybe the section is divided into genres and you now know where to find those types of books! I get being disappointed about the librarian taking over the advisory and not really listening to your needs. While she may know the books, it's about what you're looking for.


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